
Freedom Sessions
Dr. Charles Kraft in his book Two Hours to Freedom says, “Many in the church have worked under the delusion that simply coming to Christ brings healing. When we come to Christ we are taught from 2 Corinthians 5:17, ‘the old is gone, the new has come.’ Therefore, we do not have to pay attention to the internal stuff that keeps us bound—although if that stuff is bad enough, there are professional counselors to help us. What I have learned, however, is that healing is a step beyond salvation for many (probably most) Christians. Salvation is a necessary first step. But beyond it and built upon it is a second step—the healing step.” Another way of saying this is most Christians are fully forgiven but never freed. Freedom from spiritual bondage, abuse, wounds, and the hurts in life is found in Freedom Sessions.
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Freedom Session
Freedom Sessions have been described as an interactive prayer meeting. In these sessions, a team of 4-5 individuals minister, in-person or online, through the leading of the Holy Spirit by the authority and in the name of Jesus. In Freedom Sessions inner wounds, abuse, hurts and pains are healed. Spiritual bondage is broken, forgiveness is found and freedom in Jesus is discovered.
- RA Skilled Ministry Team
- RForgiveness Found & Given
- RInner Wounds Healed
- RAbuse, Hurts and Pains Healed
- RSpiritual Bondage Broken
- RFreedom Found in Jesus
It is important in one’s life to continue to walk in freedom, peace, and the healing that has been experienced in their Freedom Session.